Big Commerce based e-commerce site I fully developed including PayPal integration, shipping, blog & newsletter.

I maintain and have added a lot of enhancements and design improvements to the Amerscot House Inn web site.

I developed the PHP based database driven club web site and implemented a set of administration pages for easy content update.

I maintain and provide content updates and site enhancements as needed for Foresight Imaging.

A brochure style site that I created for a local automotive repair ship in Hudson, MA.

Thank you for looking through the sites I have developed and work on. I pride myself on being attentive to your needs and being responsive to the work you need done. I like being a part of helping you succeed! Please send me an email if you have a web site you need created or an existing site that needs updating. I'd be happy to talk to you about what I can do to help!

Bill Burns